Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What will it take to get people to wake up...

"you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch...."

History of The Federal Reserve

Friday, October 23, 2009


Gerald Celente on Russia Today 30 Oct 2009

Celente-Their is NO Economic Recovery-Its A COVERUP

Thursday, October 22, 2009

And so it continues..

This is the continuation of something I started on inauguration day. Below is a post I wrote 9 mos ago about what is coming granted the target of the post is BHO remember though DC is comprised of 535 crooks he is just the head crook. So although it seems that my target is BHO its really about all of them, he is in charge so the final responsibility is on him. Since then I have been writing and posting links to vids and articles proving this individual his admin and devout Congress are systematically or should I say fundamentally changing this country for the worst. What you will see on this blog are news of the day related to how Liberty Died with thunderous applause on Jan 20 '09.
(I will fix bad links eventually, it seems some material is being removed from the net... hmm gee I wonder why)

"So this is how liberty dies"(has died)...
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:41 pm

... "with thunderous applause"

Yes thats right to some its a corny quote from Star Wars Ep 3 and it is a powerful statement as it was fully shown the night America elected obama Pres. where he accepted greetings from the masses once more to thunderous applause! And today sworn in to masses never seen before for a Presidential Inauguration. This guy is treated like a rock star and to this day Ive yet to see what he actually accomplished as a Senator other than being called the most liberal democrat in history.

But America are your really sure you know what you are doing? Do you realize with the votes cast you have elected an inexperienced democrat who by his own VP/ running mate has been labeled not ready and inexperienced. With that you also elected more democrats to the house and senate. Do you realize that one party will be controlling the Executive, Legislative and Judicial(your Pres no doubt will appoint liberal judges) branches of the US govt.?

Please note I tried to get video footage etc that was from neutral parties but at times iJust couldnt that said PLEASE disregard the interviewer/reporter and most vids will feature obamas own voice/words which are important

You have elected a man who(whose):

-Has flat out lied (here it is from his own mouth
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....re=related MSNBC has a problem with it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....re=related) about what he has and has not heard while attending church with radical Rev Wright http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hPR5jnjtLo a man whose teach Black Liberation Theology http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....e=related, which clearly influenced ms. obama where she showed her true colors not too long agohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....re=related

- A man whose own supporters (a general, and a senator for example) cannot substantiate his accomplishments,
Gen Eaton on Fox
Se. Watson on MSNBC

- Will meet with our enemies with no preconditions in place

- Has some of the most radical associations ever seen with the likes of Ayers, Khalid, Dohrn

- Whose own VP said he isnt ready, that the Pres is not a job where one can get on the job training
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....re=related , oh heck he himself says ithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....re=related

-As pres is expected to take sides on issues right or wrong yet your choice voted as a senator "not voting" (depending on website reporting history) or "abstained" (media reported as "present" vote) over 120 times
http://www.opencongress.org/pe.....rack_obama .
-Also said at Saddleback Church with regards to abortion etc that its "above my paygrade"

-Place of actual birth is in question and when requested to produce documents on it he went ahead and had all his medical and education records sealed? If you are innocent what is there to hide? Is this the real Kenyan Ambassador confirming his birth in Kenya?

-Has said publicly "...we cannot continue to only rely on our military, in order to achieve the national security objectives that we have set. We got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.."
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b04_1225384578 What is this force he is speaking of? We already have the US military(Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force) National Guard, Homeland Security, Secret Service, CIA, NSA, FBI, ATF, US Marshals, Police(state/local) Sheriffs... what is this force he is talking about, it certainly is not one looking for civilian participation as what he is describing is something similar to our military. The only organizations with similar structure is Nazi SS or Gestapo (please disregard the horrendous actions they did) if you look at what they were created for and for whom along with their strength VERY similar to this force obama wants... sorry but that is the truth... His Chief of Staff Rohm Emmanuel outlines plans of such a force http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=61f_1226515825 is this possibly the slow starting point/site to introduce this www.usaservice.org

-Plans to increase taxes on business making over $250(granted this number has been debated as we have heard everything from 250 all way down to 120) and "spread the wealth"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRPbCSSXyp0 , sounds great doesnt it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....p;index=29 But do you realize and again look at it in its most simplest form what this means? Lets suppose you have a mom and pop business who DO NOT make the $250K /yr trigger for higher taxes BUT their suppliers do. What will happen is obvious those supplier businesses will raise prices no doubt on the mom n pop which will result in mom n pop to make a decision to either raise their prices, lower their pay to themselves and employees or to let an employee go. This will also occur with the larger companies. What will this mean to you? Well are you prepared to pay more for things you buy from clothing to food, can you afford it? Can you afford to work somewhere where they may deny you a raise or say they have to cut back?! Or will you "suck it in" as obama supporter Martha Stewart claims she will do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrjZeRagQcs ... (she screwed the line up as we peasants have known the phrase as "suck it up") hey Martha the whole country is going to be watching you to suck it in.

-Says he won't take your guns away from you but left out the part how he supports raising huge taxes up to 500% on ammunition, parts etc
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=58a_1220938946 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e08_1214795286 http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4fb_1225938207

- Wants to reduce our defenses

-Not once denounced the outlandish attacks and investigations on Sam J. Wurzelbacher whom he chose to visit with and speak to where Joe unexpectedly hit him with one of the most difficult questions he, obama, has been asked and the infamous "spread the wealth" statement was made yet did not like it when attacks were being made toward michelle obama

-Who has blatantly said our troops in Afghanistan are air raiding villages

- Oddly criticizes the war in Iraq that we should not be there, he has disagreed with it from the beginning yet has no hesitation in wanting to invade one of our "allies" (and I say that very loosely) N. Pakistan if we have actionable intelligence... well at the time before the US went into Iraq "we" had "actionable intelligence"

- Plans to close Gitmo bring terrorists to American soil and give the same treatment you and I are entitled to under our court system to those who would enjoy the opportunity to spill your blood as they start them young
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=471_1202306092 to accomplish this http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=907_1189509716

- Prior to the election he said he wants bin laden dead or captured
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v.....re=related , after being elected he changed that tune to if he is stuck in some cave somewhere unable to control as he did that is just as good..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zmvexs6q42A hmmm isnt that what Bush did?!

- Has appointed some of the most questionable individuals for his cabinet and it seems every other week one of them is in the news for questionable actions recent examples Holder
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CILO7dlbpHI to Geithnerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO4U-AHbY0Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIUuC0zA6dI

-Change Change Change
http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b51_1225942602 all we heard but I never heard once of actual things he will do that he accomplished as a senator, again my point here is actions speak louder than words, words which as far as Im concerned were spoken to do nothing but get elected, he is an empty suit.
Change is coming you can bet on it the life as we knew it in the US will be radically changed and you democ Im mean communists asked for it. Can't wait to see this version of the "SS" or Gestapo he wants to create where you or someone close to you will have to serve.

To the likes of certain individuals who will attack this and we know who you
flash in the pans are Im not even going to bother responding anymore. To argue with you is a waste of time as your hate has completely consumed you to believe this man will create some sort of utopia and fix everything the evil administration, an admin which has kept you safe since 9/11. It is because of people like you this country is lost, YOUR full of nothing but hate towards the prev admin and blame it for everything. You point the finger but never provide any proof other than what you have heard, yet you never provide anything to back up what you say as I have done in this post(make a comment and give something to support it). I have asked others to help and call some of your bluffs to simply cough up some proof or something to back up what you say. Instead you guys continue to argue giving these extremists exactly what they want a way out of their outlandish radical statements through argument/ debate as they redirect the issue, heck many times will answer your question with a question of their own thus "getting them off the hook". You extremists threaten our way of life here, you want regulation over everything, you want govt to oversee it all, you think its ok to elect questionable individuals into washington who will decide how we all should live and our rights to defend ourselves. Shockingly you gave that admin in washington whom you blame for all the problems in the US more power than they actually have as no 1 man/woman has that much power, it was 500+http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1bxcBcbxO4 (with questionable backgrounds themselves) that run this country of over 300mil. And now that majority of those 500+ are democrat and do not respect the Constitution. One party rule is dangerous for any country.

It has been said before and it will be said again just as the great Roman Empire fell so can the US, do some research you will see incredible similarities btwn the two! So today could very well be the starting point as we are in complete freefall economically and our enemies are waiting to take advantage of this inexperienced possible weak new young President whose OWN VP has said will be tested! This should not be taken lightly i mean 9/11 was an international incident... think about it...........

I have been very open that I didnt like Bush, but do I blame him alone or just his administration for what is going on in this country and our relations around the world no, again no one man has that much power.... dream on if you think they do. (I know I know he has the codes to the nukes but that is a completely different topic to discuss)

Remember Congress had to give the greenlight to send troops anywhere or give money out to whomever!

Good luck America your going to need it and when that dreadful day comes AND IT WILL under obama's administration(biden has already warned w/in 6mos) and a democrat dominant congress myself and many like me will be there to say I told you so.....